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True Blue

The first time I saw the little dog
He seemed so all alone
Waiting outside the prison gate
But I knew he had a home

For he wore a collar around his neck
With a tag that showed right through
And when I looked down at it
I saw his name, "True Blue"

Inside the jail there was a man
Who was convicted of a crime
As they shaved his hair
 I spoke to him
For he didn't have much time

I asked him if there's anyone
Who he would like to see
He turned around
with tear-filled eyes
And then he said to me

I know this may sound foolish
To a lawyer such as you
But the only one I want to see
Is my little dog, "True Blue"

I've got a wife and family
But I've brought them
such disgrace
That they wouldn't want
to see me now
As I meet this awful fate

So you see, the only one I have
Is my little loyal friend
And the only thing I ask right now
Is to hold him once again

I told the warden of this request
But he said he did not know
As to whether he could
grant this wish
But I begged him,
"Don't say no"

I went outside and saw True Blue
Who somehow seemed so thin
Just then the door swung open
And a voice said, "Bring him in"

For there were only minutes left
To let them say Good-Bye
As I carried True Blue,
 he seemed to know
His master soon would die

The man hung down
 his head in shame
As the preacher began to speak
Then True Blue jumped
 out of my arms
And laid at his master's feet

The man picked him up
and held him close
As he whispered, This is the end
But before we part, I just have to say
You've been more than a wonderful friend

I took True Blue and
 brought him home
For I promised to do my part
But I found out just hours later
"True Blue" died of a broken heart

I'm glad that this was one case
Where permission was not denied
And this was the only time in my life
That I saw a warden cry

This poem was written
as a Dedication to the
Devotion of a Dog

©Elaine Hall
Used with permission
All rights reserved

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True Blue poem strictly
copyright to©Elaine Hall



Graphics by TiggHeart

Date Created: September 13, 2004
Updated: February 22, 2018